Tunga Fonts
Tunga Fonts' title='Tunga Fonts' />Color palettes and fonts in Share. Point. Use this reference to define the color palette or font scheme that is used in a Share. Point site. Color palettes. A color palette is the combination of colors that are used in a Share. Point site. The color palette for a Share. Point site is defined in a color palette file. Futura%20BoldItalicT.gif' alt='Tunga Fonts' title='Tunga Fonts' />Color slots are also used by the master page preview file to generate thumbnail and preview images of a site. The following describes the structure of the color palette file and the master page preview file Color palette file. Color palette files are used in the Change the look wizard, which enables users to change the look and feel of their site by using the Share. Point themes user interface. By default, 3. 2 color palette files are installed with Share. Point. You can also create additional color palette files. The following example shows the format of a color palette file. Palette is. InvertedInverted. Setting preview. Slot. Slot. 1 preview. Slot. Slot. 2 preview. Slot. Slot. 3 xmlns shttp schemas. Color. Slot valueColor. Tunga Fonts' title='Tunga Fonts' />Blogged Fixing Internet Explorer Crash on Launching Oracle Forms Application with jInitiator Iv. Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use. Comments to the MST group how to contact us. FONTS Note, these are all 16 point type so you can see the details more easily. Agency Alba Alba Matter Alba Super ALGERIAN Arial Arial Black. Standard Fonts List Simulator. Windows Mac OS MS Office Adobe. Huruf-Jawi-Tunggal-1024x711.png' alt='Tunga Fonts' title='Tunga Fonts' />In this HTML website design tutorial I will teach you how to write and format your very first web page using HTML. Difficulty Level EasyBeginner If you. Palette. In a color palette file, the following placeholders are replaced Inverted. Setting is a Boolean value. Slot. 1 is the annotation name of the color slot to use as the first block of the palette icon in the color palette picker of the theming experience. Slot. 2 is the annotation name of the color slot to use as the second block of the palette icon in the color palette picker of the theming experience. Slot. 3 is the annotation name of the color slot to use as the third block of the palette icon in the color palette picker of the theming experience. Color. Slot is the annotation name of the color slot that you are defining for example, Site. Title. Color is the hexadecimal value of the color to use for the specified color slot. This may be in 6 digits RRGGBB or 8 digits AARRGGBB. If the hexadecimal value is 8 digits, the first two digits represent the opacity level 0. FF, which maps to 0 2. If the hexadecimal value is 6 digits, the default opacity is 1. FF. The color palette files are located in the Theme Gallery of the root site, in the site collection in the 1. Site. Collection. Namecatalogstheme1. To access the Theme Gallery from the Share. Point user interface, on the Site Settings page, under Web Designer Galleries, select Themes, and then select 1. Master page preview file. Master page preview files are used to generate thumbnail images and preview images when you use the Change the look wizard. A master page must have a corresponding preview file to be used in the Change the look wizard. A preview file is a specially formatted file that has sections for the default color palette, default font scheme, tokenized CSS, and tokenized HTML. It uses string tokens to get the value of color slots, font names, and localized UI strings. The following example shows color slots being used in the master page preview file. ID dgp page. Container. TTHEMECOLORPAGEBACKGROUND. TTHEMECOLORBODYTEXT. TIMAGE. background size cover. TBODYFONT. For more information, see How to Create a master page preview file in Share. Point. Tip. You can use the Share. Point color palette tool to help you create Share. Point designs. You can download the Share. Point color palette tool from the Microsoft Download Center. Color slot mapping. Table 1 describes the color slots that are available and where color slots are used in a Share. Point site. Note. When discussing navigation items,pressed applies to when a user clicks or touches a navigation item. Selected applies to when a user is navigated to the page. The following summarizes a normal flow of actions and the color slot that applies to the navigation item link at each step The base text of a navigation item link Header. Navigation. Text A user hovers the cursor over the navigation item link Header. Navigation. Hover. Text A user clicks, touches, or chooses the navigation item link Header. Navigation. Pressed. Text The user is navigated to the chosen page. The color slot that applies to the navigation item for the page the user is now on Header. Navigation. Selected. Text. Table 1. Color slots. Annotation Name. Where the Color Is Used in the UIToken Name. Body. Text Normal body text. TTHEMECOLORBODYTEXT Subtle. Body. Text Body text that must be lighter than normal. An example is metadata text. TTHEMECOLORSUBTLEBODYTEXT Strong. Body. Text Body text color for text that must stand out from normal body text. TTHEMECOLORSTRONGBODYTEXT Disabled. Text Disabled text. For example, unavailable items in menus. TTHEMECOLORDISABLEDTEXT Site. Title The text color of the page title. TTHEMECOLORSITETITLE Web. Part. Heading Text color for Web Part headings. TTHEMECOLORWEBPARTHEADING Error. Text The main error color that is used for error text, borders, and backgrounds, as needed. TTHEMECOLORERRORTEXT Accent. Text Text color for accented body text. TTHEMECOLORACCENTTEXT Search. URL Text color for the URL found in search results. Also used to highlight new items or successful status notifications. TTHEMECOLORSEARCHURL Hyperlink Text color for hyperlinks. TTHEMECOLORHYPERLINK Hyperlink. Followed Text color for followed hyperlinks. TTHEMECOLORHYPERLINKFOLLOWED Hyperlink. Active Hyperlink color when pressed. TTHEMECOLORHYPERLINKACTIVE Command. Links Large command links that must be a bit lighter than body text because of their size. TTHEMECOLORCOMMANDLINKS Command. Links. Secondary Command link color for links that are smaller, and therefore have a stronger color to stand out. TTHEMECOLORCOMMANDLINKSSECONDARY Command. A Textbook Of Electrical Technology Vol 3 Pdf here. Links. Hover Command link color on hover. TTHEMECOLORCOMMANDLINKSHOVER Command. Links. Pressed Command link color when pressed. TTHEMECOLORCOMMANDLINKSPRESSED Command. Links. Disabled Command link color when command link is disabled. TTHEMECOLORCOMMANDLINKSDISABLED Background. Overlay The main background color that is visible between the optional background image and the page content. TTHEMECOLORBACKGROUNDOVERLAY Disabled. Background Background for disabled elements such as browser controls, for example, input box or select box except buttons. TTHEMECOLORDISABLEDBACKGROUND Page. Background The background color of the page. Appears behind the optional background image. TTHEMECOLORPAGEBACKGROUND Header. Background The background color for the header area of the page. TTHEMECOLORHEADERBACKGROUND Footer. Background The background color for the footer area of the page. TTHEMECOLORFOOTERBACKGROUND Selection. Background The background color for selected list items and drop down menu items. TTHEMECOLORSELECTIONBACKGROUND Hover. Background The background color for list items and drop down menu items on hover. TTHEMECOLORHOVERBACKGROUND Row. Accent The accented left border on selected list items. TTHEMECOLORROWACCENT Strong. Lines Borders for browser controls on hover. TTHEMECOLORSTRONGLINES Lines Borders for browser controls. TTHEMECOLORLINES Subtle. Lines Subtle border color. For example, gridlines for inline editing. TTHEMECOLORSUBTLELINES Disabled. Lines Border color for disabled browser controls such as input boxes and select boxes. TTHEMECOLORDISABLEDLINES Accent. Lines Focused border color for selected browser controls. TTHEMECOLORACCENTLINES Dialog. Border Dialog box border color. TTHEMECOLORDIALOGBORDER Navigation Text color for horizontal and vertical navigation items.